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«The ideal platform for dialogue is Italy Soft power is needed to handle problems»

Made in Italy and our cultural diplomacy have universal strength

The interview

by Paola Pica

Twice mayor of Rome, deputy prime minister and minister, senator and member of the European Parliament, president of the Bicameral Committee for the Control of Intelligence, extraordinary government commissioner for the Great Jubilee of 2000. After leaving active politics and institutional appointments, Francesco Rutelli, now among other things president of Anica, the Association of Cinema and Audiovisual Industries, has continued to deal with the environment, culture, technology and international relations. In 2020, he launched the Soft Power Club in Venice, the forum for the «new multilateralism», becoming a key figure among those in the world who promote the «power of persuasion».

Persuade or shoot. The world has made its choice: armament spending in the G20 is preparing for a new all-time high, following the high of $2.4 trillion reached in 2023.

«The suspicion is that we are talking about useless good intentions? The idea of Joe Nye who introduced soft power after the fall of the Soviet system, at the beginning of a Western-dominated globalisation, challenges us even more today in the season of conflicts without dominant hierarchies. Soft power does not mean disarmament».

How so?

«It is unthinkable that the use of force, including its deployment for the sole purpose of deterrence, should escape the human horizon. But without dialogue, and compromise, Henry Kissinger’s latest prophecy about the possibility of more nuclear weapons going out of control with artificial intelligence risks being realised. De-escalation is crucial».

Now in its fifth edition, the Soft power conference at the end of August (26-27) on the Island of San Giorgio in Venice sees, alongside personalities from all over the world, and the European Institute of Democrats, a large representation of the Italian majority and government with ministers Tajani, Pichetto Fratin, Sangiuliano, Urso and cultural exponents such as Alessandro Giuli and Giordano Bruno Guerri. A signal?

«Certainly Italy, for its history, values, culture is an ideal platform for dialogue. If Venice celebrates the 700th anniversary of Marco Polo, and we have recalled the 800th anniversary of the visionary encounter between St. Francis and the Sultan of Egypt, and Zuckerberg wants to continually link Meta’s activities to the experiences of Augustus, the latest news means something powerful – Made in Italy and our cultural diplomacy have a universal force».

What is the conference agenda?

«Three sessions: countering destructive disinformation, tackling climate crises with the consensus of the citizenry, and not from the top down, and the soft power of Italy. All with outstanding speakers».

And Europe?

«Europe is more engaged than ever. Between China – which is running five to seven years ahead on green technologies and rare earths –  and the US – investing two trillion dollars in transitions – the EU cannot just be the world champion of regulation. Let us ask ourselves which industries and which jobs we want in our continent».

Can we cite one case in which soft power prevailed?

«Would you like a small but significant example? Had Macron given up his rain-sheltered grandstand for the opening of the Olympic Games – while the representatives of the entire world were in the deluge – he would have avoided a display of insensitivity and non-sharing. Sergio Mattarella’s display of humility in a plastic mackintosh was instead a more effective exercise in soft power than a thousand conferences».

Is it right as Krugman claims to tax the world’s rich?

«If we look at the $3 trillion capitalisation of Nvidia, which produces chips for artificial intelligence, we realise that many economic recipes rest on 20th century foundations. Private individuals, starting with the wealthiest, should be constrained and incentivised to invest in the green transition».

What are the risks of disinformation on the web?

«There can be no democracy in the 21st century if the dominance of algorithms results in social delirium, deepfakes, artificial campaigns of demolition of those who are different from us. The result is also mass abstention. I am surprised at the indifference of too many political leaders to these existential priorities for democracies».

Is practising the art of compromise, as you propose, not doing politics?

«Systemic polarisation can reward, in the short term. But in the long run, the reward go to those who find a synthesis. Ahead».

Ahead… does it take some soft power to rebuild the moderates in Italy?

«Maybe so. But even then, to aggregate non-maximalist reformers, you need those who have the patience and vision to aggregate, as well as those who are willing to aggregate… ».

And even further ahead, you are also spoken of as a «reserve» who can look to become the next President of the Republic…

«I have been out of politics for more than a decade. I try to contribute on several fronts; the most important thing I think is to help form new generations of competent and passionate young people».


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